Package: enviGCMS 0.8.0

Miao YU

enviGCMS: GC/LC-MS Data Analysis for Environmental Science

Gas/Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer(GC/LC-MS) Data Analysis for Environmental Science. This package covered topics such molecular isotope ratio, matrix effects and Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins analysis etc. in environmental analysis.

Authors:Miao YU [aut, cre], Thanh Wang [ctb]

enviGCMS.pdf |enviGCMS.html
enviGCMS/json (API)

# Install 'enviGCMS' in R:
install.packages('enviGCMS', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • TBBPA - Demo data for TBBPA metabolism in Pumpkin
  • list - Demo data
  • matrix - Demo raw data matrix
  • sccp - Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins(SCCPs) peaks information for quantitative analysis




6.66 score 17 stars 1 packages 30 scripts 388 downloads 1 mentions 61 exports 86 dependencies

Last updated 7 days agofrom:063acbd105. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 21 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 21 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 21 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 21 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 21 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 21 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 21 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 21 2025



Data analysis of GC-MS and LC-MS in Environmental Science

Rendered fromGCMSDA.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 21 2025.

Last update: 2025-01-14
Started: 2016-01-12

Pooled QC analysis

Rendered fromPooledQC.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 21 2025.

Last update: 2025-01-14
Started: 2019-11-08

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Get the MIR and related information from the filesbatch
Combine two data with similar retention time while different mass rangecbmd
Perform MS/MS dot product annotation for mgf filedotpanno
find line of the regression model for GC-MSfindline
Find lipid class of metabolites base on referenced Kendrick mass defectfindlipid
Screen metabolites by Mass Defectfindmet
Screen organohalogen compounds by retention time, mass defect analysis and isotope relationship modified by literature report. Also support compounds with [M] and [M+2] ratio cutoff.findohc
Find PFCs based on mass defect analysisfindpfc
Align two peaks vectors by mass to charge ratio and/or retention timegetalign
Align mass to charge ratio and/or retention time to remove redundancygetalign2
Get the peak list with blank samples' peaks removedgetbgremove
Get the report for biological replicates.getbiotechrep
Align multiple peaks list to one peak listgetcompare
Convert an list object to csv file.getcsv
Get xcmsset object in one step with optimized methods.getdata
Get XCMSnExp object in one step from structured folder path for xcms 3.getdata2
Generate the group level rsd and average intensity based on DoE,getdoe
Density weighted intensity for one samplegetdwtus
Get the features from anova, with p value, q value, rsd and power restrictiongetfeaturesanova
Get the features from t test, with p value, q value, rsd and power restrictiongetfeaturest
Filter the data based on row and column indexgetfilter
Get chemical formula for mass to charge ratio.getformula
Get the report for samples with biological and technique replicates in different groupsgetgrouprep
Impute the peaks list datagetimputation
GetIntegration was mainly used for get the integration of certain ion's chromatogram data and plot the dataGetIntegration
Get the selected isotopologues at certain MS dataGetisotopologues
Get the exact mass of the isotopologues from a chemical formula or reaction's isotope patterns with the highest abundancesgetmass
Get mass defect with certain scaled factorgetmassdefect
Import data and return the annotated matrix for GC/LC-MS by m/z range and retention timegetmd
Get the high order unit based Mass Defectgetmdh
Get the raw Mass Defectgetmdr
Get the mzrt profile and group information for batch correction and plot as a list directly from path with default settinggetmr
Annotation of MS1 data by compounds database by predefined paired mass distancegetms1anno
read in MSP file as list for ms/ms or ms(EI) annotationgetMSP
Get the mzrt profile and group information as a mzrt list and/or save them as csv or rds for further analysis.getmzrt
Get the mzrt profile and group information for batch correction and plot as a list for xcms 3 objectgetmzrt2
Covert the peaks list csv file into listgetmzrtcsv
Get the overlap peaks by mass and retention time rangegetoverlappeak
Merge positive and negative mode datagetpn
Get the index with power restriction for certain study with BH adjusted p-value and certain power.getpower
Compute pooled QC linear index according to run ordergetpqsi
get the data of QC compound for a group of datagetQCraw
Get a mzrt list and/or save mz and rt range as csv file.getrangecsv
Perform peaks list alignment and return features tablegetretcor
Get the Relative Mass Defectgetrmd
output the similarity of two datasetgetsim
Get the report for technique replicates.gettechrep
Get the time series or two factor DoE report for samples with biological and technique replicates in different groupsgettimegrouprep
Get the csv files from xcmsset/XCMSnExp/list objectgetupload
Get the csv files to be submitted to Metaboanalystgetupload2
Get the csv files to be submitted to Metaboanalystgetupload3
plot scatter plot for rt-mz profile and output gif file for multiple groupsgifmr
Just integrate data according to fixed rt and fixed noise areaIntegration
Demo datalist
filter data by average moving boxma
Demo raw data matrixmatrix
define the Mode functionMode
Show MS/MS pmd annotation resultplotanno
plot the calibration curve with error bar, r squared and equation.plotcc
plot the density for multiple samplesplotden
plot density weighted intensity for multiple samplesplotdwtus
plot EIC and boxplot for all peaks and return diffreportplote
Plot the response group of GC-MSplotgroup
plot the density of the GC-MS data with EM algorithm to separate the data into two log normal distribution.plothist
Plot the heatmap of mzrt profilesplothm
plot the information of integrationplotint
plot the slope information of integrationplotintslope
plot the kendrick mass defect diagramplotkms
plot the scatter plot for peaks list with thresholdplotmr
plot the diff scatter plot for peaks list with threshold between two groupsplotmrc
plot GC/LC-MS data as a heatmap with TICplotms
Plot EIC of certain m/z and return dataframe for integrationplotmsrt
plot GC/LC-MS data as scatter plotplotmz
plot the PCA for multiple samplesplotpca
plot intensity of peaks across samples or samples across peaksplotpeak
plot ridgeline density plotplotridge
Relative Log Abundance Ridge (RLAR) plots for samples or peaksplotridges
Relative Log Abundance (RLA) plotsplotrla
plot the rsd influences of data in different groupsplotrsd
Plot mass spectrum of certain retention time and return mass spectrum vector (MSP file) for NIST searchplotrtms
plot 1-d density for multiple samplesplotrug
Plot the intensity distribution of GC-MSplotsms
Plot the background of dataplotsub
plot GC-MS data as a heatmap for constant speed of temperature risingplott
Plot Total Ion Chromatogram (TIC)plottic
Get the MIR from the fileqbatch
Shiny application for interactive mass defect plots analysisrunMDPlot
Shiny application for Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins analysisrunsccp
Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins(SCCPs) peaks information for quantitative analysissccp
Get the differences of two GC/LC-MS datasubmd
Plot the influences of DoE and Batch effects on each peakssvabatch
Surrogate variable analysis(SVA) to correct the unknown batch effectssvacor
Filter the data with p value and q valuesvadata
Principal component analysis(PCA) for SVA corrected data and raw datasvapca
Filter the data with p value and q value and show themsvaplot
Get the corrected data after SVA for metabolanalystsvaupload
Demo data for TBBPA metabolism in PumpkinTBBPA
Write MSP file for NIST searchwriteMSP
Perform MS/MS X rank annotation for mgf filexrankanno